Outreach Projects
Waukee Area Christian Services
We provide support both financially and with service projects to Waukee Area Christian Services.
Thanksgiving Donations 2024 We donated 79 pounds of food for Thanksgiving to the Waukee Area Christian Food Pantry, including potatoes, stuffing, gravy, green beans, and pumpkin. We also donated two grocery store gift cards. Food Pantry Donations Our volunteers serve in the Food Pantry by assisting patrons and donating supplies. Here's a recent donation we made to provide Christmas Dinners to patrons. Hat & Mitten Donations Our Mitten tree also enabled us to donate 96 mittens, gloves, hats, scarves, and pairs of socks that were split evenly between the Waukee Area Christian Services and the Waukee Elementary Schools. Back to School Drive We collected and donated the following to Waukee Area Christian Services for distribution: 23 backpacks 12 calculators 6 folders 3 notebooks 342 pencils 160 pens 23 packages of crayons 27 packages of markers 25 packages of colored pencils 8 dry erase markers 37 glue sticks 18 sticky note pads 85 pencil erasers 7 rulers |